Not available at this time. Please check back closer to the next book release.
Every year, I try to have something to give to you, the reader, at signings and such as a thank you for coming out to see me, and because I know that not everyone can get to the few places that I go, I like to make them available for a short time to everyone for the price of a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope. (SASE) It's a challenge to find something that is small enough to slip into a pocket, light enough to mail for the price of a stamp, and cheap enough to give away--and still have it actually relate to the book.
Demon's Bluff, has the return of Kisten to the story line. (Really real. Not a dream, not a flashback.) To commemorate his return, I have recreated Kisten's toe tag. I already did Rachel's, so it only seemed fair. You might notice that his tag isn't made out "Kisten Phelps," an anomaly that will make sense after you read the book. I can't wait to share this with you, and the return of Kisten doesn't mean trouble with Trent. It's going to be fun. And I miss him.
Being able to send you a freebie doesn't make up for not being in your town, but it helps. The tour will be limited this year because ACE already sent me out for Three Kinds of Lucky, but I should be able to get to Ann Arbor and Cincinnati. Hope to see some of you there!

Mail your standard business-size envelope SASE to me at:
Kim Harrison
Demon's Bluff freebie
PO Box 498
Dexter, MI 48130
If you have never made a SASE, here's an example. Just stick on a first class stamp, fold it up, and mail it to me in another envelope at the address above.
If you are international, don't bother with the stamp on the return envelope. We will provide as International coupons are insanely complicated.

Envelope and stamp may vary subject to availability, and personal preference. -grin- Just don’t use metallic ink. The post office can’t handle it all the time.
If you mail me a SASE and don't get anything back . . .
We occasionally have issues with the SASEs. If you send us one and didn't get your freebie, there are a couple of possible explanations.
If you used shiny/metallic ink, the post office can't easily read it, and they won't deliver.
If you used a return address label with tiny or too flowery print for the post office to read, they won't deliver it.
If you failed to put return postage on the SASE envelope, it will not be delivered. (International SASE's, we will provide postage, but not for those going to the U.S.)
If you put your address in the wrong spot, it won't be delivered.
If you were the unlucky sacrifice to the post office gods and their machines ate your letter. -- Sometimes, they just go missing.