Nicola's, Ann Arbor MI
We started off in Michigan at my very own local independent store, Nicola's. This is my signed book outlet, and it was a lot of fun going in early and signing for those of you who took advantage of it.

I don't think I've ever seen so many tour shirts in one place. You guys really came out for the kick-off, and I thank you.
JosephBeth, Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati! It felt like coming home when we came round that bend and saw the new skyline. That blue building on the right is the crown building. There was some discussion whether or not to include it in the skyline of the Hollows Insider. I voted not to, because the timeline of the books didn't have it.

I can not believe how many roadies were there. It was a packed house, with people standing in the stacks. The questions were great, and everyone's patience was appreciated as it took a long time to get to the end. I left a handful of signed copies, but we pretty much sold them out. I was floored from the Hollows-themed menu they'd created with the nearby eatery. You could get a demon coffee, and even a dead-man's float!

Barnes and Noble, Minneapolis (Edina) MN

It had been a couple of years since I'd been to Minneapolis, and over half the crowd had never been to one of my events before. Lots of good questions.

It's hard to see from the picture, but this is the "real" Devin Crossman. No, not really, but he won the photo contest a few years back to have his picture in the Hollows Insider as Devin Crossman. It was great to finally meet him!
Barnes and Noble, Pittsburgh, PA
I'd never been to Pittsburgh, but like Cincinnati, you guys have kept your architecture. You have your windy, twisty roads, your history, and even a river running through it. Makes me wonder if maybe I should base a spinnoff series there. I had lots of roadies, and lots of questions, and even more books. Thank you everyone who hung to the end to get all your books signed. It was a great event.

Thank you, guys! It was a great event!
Northshire Bookstore, Saratoga Springs, NY

I'd never been to Northshire books in Saratoga, but it was a great event with lots of readers and even a few roadies. They have a great SF/fantasy section, and I left a lot of signed stock if you are in the area and missed out.
Barnes and Noble, New York, NY
New York was as wonderful as always, and to make it even more special, Tim and I had the chance to hang out with some of the people at Harper and B&N who make the books the success they are.
My favorite picture. It's so rare to get us all in one place!

My NY roadies! Thank you, ladies for braving the cold. This is probably the only shot you'll ever see of me with a tiara and blue sparkles.

Ridgefield Library, CT (hosted by Books on the Common)
The Ridgefield Library was probably my most enthusiastic crowd to date. I might even go so far as to say the most energetic per capita I've ever had the good fortune to talk with. I had only two roadies, but that's not surprising as it's the first time I'd ever been there. Books on the Common was the bookseller on site, and I left a couple of signed books with them if you're in the area and missed the event.

The Connecticut ladies! I think these ladies were the reason the crowd was so excited. They were fabulous!
Boston Public Library, MA (hosted by Pandemonium Books)

This is what a happy author looks like . . .

And this is my Boston roadies helping me celebrate that The Undead Pool is going to drop into the number one spot on the New York Times bestseller hardcover list next week. (insert happy dance here) Phew! It was a very good night, not just for me, but my team in New York who was behind the massive promotional effort that started in October. It feels good when everything you do comes together.
Quail Ridge Books and Music, Raleigh, NC

Quail Ridge Books and Music was a packed house! If Raleigh is anything, it's enthusiastic. There were tons of tour Ts from this and previous years, and even a few homemade Hollows shirts which I loved seeing. The store itself is wonderful, with staff that know and love books.
Books A Million, Columbia, SC
Click the photo to go to the high resolution photo to lift for your own use.

Fox Tale Book Shoppe, Atlanta (Woodstock) GA

And we had roadies at Fox Tale Books in Atlanta! Wow, it was a great signing, with people coming from all over the south to get their book signed and ask me a question or two.
Garden District Books, New Orleans, LA
 New Orleans. I wasn't sure how many readers would be there, but you surprised me!
Schuler Books and Music, Lansing MI

Schuler's was the last stop on the tour. I think I had the biggest variety of tour T's here than any other. And the readers! My gosh, they were enthusiastic, coming from as far as six hours away.