I've been to Comic Con in New York, and I've been to San Diego, but never had I been to Comic Con in San Diego. Wow, the combination is potent, and it's like nothing else. Where else can you turn to the guy next to you and say, "There's Boba Fett," and not be lying. I even found a couple of Rachel Morgans at my first signing. And Jenks, too!

Not Rachel, but a very cool costume, nevertheless.
My first day at Comic Con was pretty benign, with a quick tour of the huge floor with all the vendor booths before it got too chaotic. Even got to see the Tardis. -laugh-
Second day was my spotlight panel, but first was a signing at the Harper booth to give away some of those glow in the dark posters. (I'm going to be coming home with a bunch of them, so keep an eye on FB and the drama box August through October. I even ran into a couple of night elves at the booth. "I see purple people."

My spotlight panel was fab. I didn't know it at the time (thank goodness) but I was in the same time slot as an appearance of some of the characters of True Blood. I had never spoken in front of so many people before by myself, but my editor was there with me, and you were all Hollows fans, so how could I be nervous? -laugh- I swear, Jenks or one of his kids were messing with the visual effects, but we got through it, and I was even able to show off the cover for A PERFECT BLOOD. (Yay!) I even showed the audiance what the happy author dance looked like.

Me and my editor at Harper Voyager, Diana Gill. I'm not sure which cover we're looking at here, but I think it had legs in it.
The signing afterward was fabulous! Everyone was so patient, and we gave away some more glow-in-the-dark posters.

Better yet, I ran into some old friends from Mysterious Galaxy.

I finished out the day with a panel drive-by-drop-by at the Random House panel where I had a chance to talk about BLOOD WORK with my editor (Betsy Mitchell-we're in the very middle) I felt bad leaving before it was done, but I hadn't sat down to eat since breakfast, and the sun was going down. I had to call it a day.

Day three started with line madness outside my hotel. Forgive my nasty photo shop skills, but here is a panoramic of the view. They do this at least three times a day, and in some cases, people sleep out on the grass to get a good place in line. Click for a larger picture.