I hit the
tarmac on the twenty third, but before that was a local signing at
Charlotte NC at Joseph-Beth booksellers.
Joseph-Beth Booksellers
South Park Mall, Charlotte, NC

I had a fabulous time at Joseph-Beth in Charlotte. There were even a few people who had gotten a hold of an ARC and had read the book. I was compleatly blown away with the number of tour shirts! Wow. Here we are with the "family photo."
Joseph-Beth Booksellers
Rookwood Pavilion, Cincinnati OH

Here I am at Joseph-Beth in Cincy with my road crew. ;-) Thanks, guys!
Books And Co
Dayton OH

This is me and my roadies at Books and Co on the Green in Dayton. I've been to this store now for three times, and I love it!
Borders Books and Music
Ann Arbor,MI

My roadies at Borders in Ann Arbor
Schuler Books and Music
Landsing, Mi

Here I am with my roadies at Schulers. It was a fab-u-lous signing!
Barnes and Nobel
Woodland Mall, Grand Rapids, MI

Because the B&N event was just a signing, and not Q&A, there really wasn't a chance to take a family photo of me and my roadies. So I have a shot of some of the staff at the store.
Barnes and Nobel
Roseville (Minneapolis) MN

Me and my roadies in Minneapolis
Virgina Festival of the Book
Charlottesville, VA

This is me and the folks at Oakley's. They are right down in the open-aired mall in Charlettesville.
Barnes and Nobel
Charlottesville, VA

There was no event, just a Q&A, but we made the most of it!
Powell's Bookstore
Beaverton (Portland) OR

Portand has always been one of my best stops, and this year was no different.
Fort Lewis Main Store
Seattle WA

I'd never signed in a PX before. It was too much fun, and the readers were some of the best.
Third Place Books
Seattle WA

The last stop at Third Place books. Whew! Me and my Third Place Roadies!! The event here was fabulous. A great way to cap off the Black Magic Tour. Thanks, Guys!