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Nicola's, Ann Arbor MI But before Cincinnati, was my home store in Ann Arbor, Nicola's! I was totally floored to see how many of you came out with tour Ts, both for The Drafter and for past books. I only wish the bus had been there, but alas, it wasn't scheduled to arrive until the next morning. We had a few people who had actually read the book already, and I was able to answer a few spoiler questions up at the signing table, but otherwise, we talked about the ending of the Hollows and what might be coming next.
_________________________________________________________ JosephBeth, Cincinnati, OH Wednesday was a busy day, going from Detroit to Cincinnati. We came in early for the 7:00 pm signing so I could talk to Mark over at the FlyPodcast. If you'd like to hear the podcast, I've got it here: Cover to Cover. We had a great chat about past, present, and future. My second interview was with long-time interviewer Mark over at the PBS station. Mark actually reads my work, which makes for a great interview as he asks questions YOU might ask. And then the signing! I've got a two-three man crew with me this year helping with the pictures, so if you come out, be prepared for the next-best-thing in signing. (grin) We gave away a couple of shirts along with the Opti pins, too. Some of the readers hung around until the end so we could take a picture beside the bus. I think we might do this at every stop. It was a great way to end the signing. Joseph-Beth, Lexington KY Lexington, KY has been one of my usual stops for a while now, and being on the bus, (and not at the mercy of the gods and goddesses of the air) I had the time to do some media before the signing. Me and my Drafter roadies at Jo-Beth Cincinnati! We gave away tour T's and a Kim Harrison tote bag, and then even the big Drafter banner. The event was very laid back, with questions ranging from how to break into print all the way to my growing milkweed patch. (If you're looking for the knitted Monarch butterfly, I've got a post here.) A few people stayed until the end, and we got a great shot in front of the bus. Quail Ridge Books and Music, Raleigh, NC Quail Ridge Books and Music! I believe this is my 4th year signing in Raleigh, and it just keeps getting better. Here I am with all my roadies, doing the classic "kiss-kiss." Ah, Kisten, you may be gone, but you are not forgotten. That's the great thing about books. They will always be there even when new characters come to entertain. __________________________________________________________ Park Road Books, Charlotte, NC
Barnes and Noble, Atlanta, GA B&N Atlanta! I don't believe I've ever signed there, but there were still a LOT of familiar faces, some I've known for almost ten years. (Now that's commitment!) Here I am with all my roadies. This was right during DragonCon, and I was shocked that anyone came out to see me!
Mike was still wearing his Dragon Con badge, but he came out to see me. Every year since 2006. :-) (And if I misremember his name, I'm going to be so embarrassed.) We had a great group stick around until the end for the group photo in front of the bus. Thanks for braving Dragon Con and Football traffic to come out and see me! Books-A-Million Birmingham, AL BAM at Birmingham was one of the more memorable stops, with a couple of people who, whether they know it or not, have impacted me. Ms. H, Mr. R, I'm looking at you! The smiles and "hi's" when I came into the store were wonderfully welcoming, and it was great to see so many familiar faces. We had A LOT of roadies. Thanks, guys. You make the travel all worth while.
I don't know how I missed taking a picture of Mr. R, but his words to me last year made a bad day better and have stuck with me . It was great seeing you again, too.
Thanks, Guys! Saying bye is a lot more fun outside the store than at the signing table. Barnes and Noble, Nashville, TN Last stop was Nashville, at a fabulous B&N. Lots of roadies, which was a surprise because I believe this was the first time I had ever signed here. We had a great group of questions that made me think, and even a dragon for Spunk to pal around with. ;-) Tim handing out freebies, and despite his claim he gives out spoilers for 20s and 50s, he knows better. (wink)
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Revised: 01/29/2025 Copyright © 2014 by Kim Harrison. All rights reserved